Value Added

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China Stainless Steel Screws provides value-added services which differentiates us from all others in the industry.

China Stainless Steel Screws, the “hybrid” vendor- manufacturer, distributor, sub-contractor, direct importer of standards and specials.  A value/service few in the industry can provide.

We help drive down cost and streamline efficiencies through VMI programs and engineer-driven analysis such and product consolidation, print analysis, and problem-solving.

China Stainless Steel Screws specializes in providing complete products including specialized platings, kitting, assembly and packaging to help your supply chain logistics, improved cash flow, and product turns.  Located in Guangdongland area, we are fortunate to be close in proximity to some of the world’s best secondary providers and our 70+ years in business has allowed us to partner with the best.

Besides our local services, our footprint in the global manufacturing sector provides lower-cost centers and vast sourcing for our customer's supply chain needs.  All product is FOB from our 100,000 square foot facility in Shenzhen, Guangdong.

Have Any Questions? Contact Us Today!

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China Stainless Steel Screws, Inc.
Building 2, Xiangxiang Industrial Park, Tangtou, Shiyan, Baoan, Shenzhen, China. 518108
Phone: +86-755-27624767
Fax: +86-755-27624748